Our journey to the perfect product begins in the biggest streetwear fashion capitals of the world- Germany, spain, France, and Italy.
The journey lead us on the hunt for the absolute best fabrics and materials.
Combined with the inspiration we took and our own creativity and tastewe have created a unique brand that will make a different and special 'mark' in the fashion industry.
It was another night with our friends, and one of the designers shared a personal experience that had happened to him last night.
He told us he had a shirt he loved and he wanted to buy more shirts with the same cut but failed to find any. He said that he always wanted to go to the sewing shop, buy some fabrics, and make more shirts in the cuts that he all loves.
This idea sparked something in all of us.
We wanted to take it to the next level. To create a new clothing brand with our own unique design.
After that evening, we set up a meeting where the entire team was trying to think how three friends with different tastes succeed in creating the first collection. how will it look? What colors should we use? and what name will represent us?
Definition: omission, a missing part, the omission of one or more words in a section of text. And is marked by three points [...]
We saw it in a different way and we decided to give the word a different angle. Three dot, each representing one of the designers according to his point of view. Separated, but together.
The inverted 'e' in the logo is like the number 3, repeats the motif of the three points.